P. 120

APRIL 1949

                           As long as we limit the “I am” in us to the narrow boundaries of the
                    relative and conditioned, we will never realize that the “I am” personified in
                    ourselves is the same unfettered “I am,” God, the Creator of the Universe.

                           There is only one Mind in which we all exist, therefore we are in contact
                    with every soul in the world from within ourselves. When we understand this,
                    separation is impossible and we become aware of the unity that forever exists
                    between us and the Father. Some believe we create this unity, but this unity

                    is already existing as an Eternal Reality. What we have to do is to become aware
                    of It through self-realization.
                           It is the conscious thought of the Infinite that keeps the Universe operating

                    according to the perfect law of harmony. It is the conscious thought of man that
                    keeps man’s world in harmony also. The Universal Mind supplies the power
                    to our minds just as electricity supplies the power to the dynamo. Then let us practice

                    thinking for ourselves and the more we are capable of thinking for ourselves the
                    better the world will be, and our personal Life will feel the first benefits.
                           The Invisible is not separate from the visible. Man is not separate from

                    God. When we live in a state of separation we react to the external, thinking it
                    is Reality or the cause of our troubles, but the cause is within ourselves.
                           When we are aware of our unity with the Creator there is no such reaction,
                    we act from within and thus exercise our control as we have been given

                    dominion over all things (external to ourselves).
                           You should now know whether you are living in separation or moving
                    towards the unity which is real. It is through your experiences you will know,

                    when you note these experiences and understand them.
                           The moment we become aware of our unity with Reality we are at peace
                    with the Universe and we become a power that shall purge the world of all
                    its unnecessary stupid childish things.

                           In the first place we must get rid of the personal elements of moods, likes
                    and dislikes, you cannot do this by merely skimming the surface but by careful
                    impersonal examination and discernment. When we have seen these superficial

                    non-essential things in the Life we will begin to discover “I am” the central
                    Reality which no changing mood or environment can ever disturb.
                           We must not approach them in the sense of possession nor in the state of

                    rivalry as to who understands more and who understands less. There is often
                    antagonism between people approaching the same truth. The truth must become
                    the dominant factor and not individuals. Reality must become a living

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