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the surprise of all around he complained of body-ache and started to move
his limbs. Since then he has put on weight, is now fit and well, I cannot thank
you enough for your wonderful help.”
I wish I could put in many more of these letters but to know that such
wonderful work is being done through the Sanctuary, you all will join with
me in thanksgiving for blessings bestowed upon us all.
Divine thought is the uprising of the Christ in you, then do not limit this
marvellous creative power of Love and Wisdom by your own limited mental
process of reasoning and thus close the avenue for the unlimited.
You cannot reason on that which is beyond your reason, But you can
expand your capacity to receive that which is beyond your reason by clearing
your mind of limitation. The Father does the work when you clear the way.
You will readily see that your beliefs have become the hindrances to
the unfoldment of the unlimited. As the mind of a little child is free so must your
mind be free, thus you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Only with the mind free from the limitation of fixed ideas and beliefs of
others can you receive the unlimited, for it is the Father that is working in You.
“Know ye not I am in the Father and the Father is in me.” “It is the Father who
ever remaineth in me is performing his own deeds.”
There is so much of the Christ power imprisoned within your minds unable
to express Itself because of your rigid beliefs. Your livingness is your personal
contact with God and this personal contact with God must be your faith and not
upon anything outside yourself, “and whatever you ask in my name that will
be done unto you.”
If you look into a mind that is rigid in its belief you will see how bound it
is. This is truly the ignorance that is hindering the manifestation of the Christ in
the world, for the Christ is the Spirit of God manifesting in the flesh and is beyond
beliefs and limitation. If your mind is cluttered up with these things you cannot
release the glorious Christ Power that is in you.
One of your great hindrances is the delusion that times and places for
prayer ought to be different from other times and places. Your prayer should be
the sense of the presence of God and this should be continuous at all times. It is
not your duty to please men in your common business, but at all times as far as
you are capable of, to express the Love and Wisdom of God.