P. 122

May 1949

                    My dear friends,

                           We have as usual received hundreds of letters of grateful thanks this
                    month. Here are extracts from a few of them. Thanks to all of you who have

                    written. A personal letter is sent to each one who has written, if you have not
                    received one please let us know.
                           E.L.M. writes from England, “I could sing with joy and thanksgiving to

                    God and to you for your wonderful help. I send you my love and gratitude for
                    your prayers and teaching.”
                           H.H. writes from Australia, “In writing to you I find it difficult to select

                    the right words for the expression of gratitude and love, with which to thank
                    you for your truly incredible work. The teaching and the Sanctuary letters and
                    the healing have done more for H . . . and myself, and our family than can ever

                    be expressed in words. The very thought of you and the Sanctuary fills our
                    hearts with a glowing, elevating sensation of Love, with subsequent powers of
                    achievement that seem miraculous.”
                           S.B. writes from South Africa, “The remarkable improvement in my sight

                    is wonderful. I can find that I can manage now without glasses. I am deeply grateful
                    for your wonderful help.”
                           M.T. writes from North Wales, “Again I thank you for your Monthly

                    Letters. Oh, they are such a blessing. Thank you for your prayers on behalf of my
                    friend E.M.P. she is now able to walk after three years in bed and Mrs. K.E. has
                    also fully recovered.”
                           B.M. writes from South Africa, “It is with a heart full of joy and gratitude that

                    I write to you tonight. A few weeks ago I sent in my daughter’s and her husband’s
                    name to be placed in the Sanctuary. The change that has been wrought is too
                    wonderful, they are now so happy. Divine harmony exist between them. Thanks

                    for your Sanctuary Letter which is a great blessing and I eagerly I look forward
                    to it every Month.”
                           A.V.A. writes from Kedah, Malaya, “I have great pleasure to report the

                    sudden improvement in the condition of N . . . since putting his name in the
                    Sanctuary. This patient was speechless and motionless for over two months. His
                    condition defied all medical treatment. After my urgent appeal for help to

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