P. 128


                           The general idea with most is that we must have faith in God, a God

                    that most are uncertain about. But faith is something much more than this. Real
                    Faith is a knowing that we have personal contact with the Father, this is what
                    I will call “awareness” of God in us.
                           Jesus said, “call no man your father on earth for one is your Father who

                    is in heaven.” “Know ye not that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.”
                           This faith is greater than Law for the Law never created Life but Life
                    created Law for in Life lies the Creative Power —Faith.

                           The majority of people believe that they are subject unto the Law, this is
                    true. But the Law is also subject unto us. But if we are ignorant of the truth that
                    we are also above the Law we will suffer because of the Law. If we depend upon

                    the Law as the starting point for our creative action we will bring the whole burden
                    of the Law upon ourselves, because of our fear and misunderstanding of the
                    Law, not knowing that Life is above Law. “I am the Life.”

                           The Christ of God is not subject unto the Law but the Law is subject
                    unto Him who is in Christ, and Christ is in us all.
                           If we take the all-giving, all-producing creative Spirit as our starting
                    point then everything else will fall into harmonious order and all we have to do

                    is to receive and use what we receive asking Divine guidance to use it rightly,
                    thus our faith is our personal contact with the Father.
                           Take no heed for tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself, acting

                    always in the present making the Presence of God a reality in our lives and
                    not something relative by making God Law, something outside ourselves.
                           God is Life and Life is creative and is above Law, therefore with our
                    personal contact with the Father we are above Law. It is the Father who ever

                    remains in us, is performing His own deeds.
                           This is the faith that moves mountains and not the faith the woman had
                    who heard the story about the mountain being buried in the sea.

                           Her house was behind a pile of sand that prevented her from seeing the
                    sea, so when she went to bed one night she said, “you pile of sand, you shall be
                    buried in the sea tonight,” and when she got up the next morning the pile of

                    sand was still there and she remarked, “I never expected it would be buried in
                    the sea.” Is this not just what most people’s faith amounts to!
                           The faith that the Master tried to show, man is slow to understand. Instead of

                    knowing that Life is above Law man believes that Law is above Life with the

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