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                    result that he makes God a mere impersonal force and ultimately has nothing
                    to depend upon but his own unaided knowledge and power of the Law.
                           But God is very personal to me and should be to you too although

                    Universal in nature He has reproduced Himself in the form of a human being
                    for there is no other source from whence we could come.
                           “Call no man your father on earth for one is your Father who is in heaven.”
                    To Jesus the Father was very personal and if we can understand the mind

                    of Jesus we will find how close he was to the all-abiding Spirit of God.
                           There is nothing exists below except that it exists above, this is a truth that
                    must be realized so that we can know that to be individual in nature, God has

                    individualized Himself for us to become individuals, otherwise we could
                    not exist.
                           I have shown you already that there can be nothing outside God for

                    He is infinite and to be infinite He must include all, you and me, and He must
                    also be expressing himself in you and me otherwise He could not be infinite.
                    The inner reality of God has not been affected by His individual or personal

                    expression in us, therefore as we recognise the Spirit as Reality we also bring
                    the Universal into the personal and the personal into the Universal.
                           Therefore through understanding the Love of God and the all-giving of
                    the Father we regard Him as taking the initiative as the Giver established in

                    ourselves, not something cold and distant but with that personal intimate love
                    that a parent has for its offspring, we will find ourselves backed up by Infinite
                    Love, Wisdom and Power?

                           There must be a true feeling of personal contact with the Father united
                    in action, this becomes the essence of enthusiasm when our true relation is
                           We must stop arguing about non-essentials, for faith in God our Father

                    is far superior to vague religious beliefs. Therefore the most practical thing to do
                    is to practise this faith and the Master showed us the way. He made the Father
                    intimate and close at hand. His Life was the translation of the Love and

                    Wisdom and Power of the Father into our daily living.
                           We can do the same for he said, “these things I do you can do also if you
                    will but believe.” “He that does the will of my Father is my mother, my sister,

                    my brother.” I have put his words plainly to you so that you can understand
                    their meaning, so that you will know that real and effective faith is our personal
                    contact with the Father.

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