P. 134

JULY 1949

                    always tomorrow. The Master understood this truth and those who have
                    acted upon his words have brought about great achievements. The same
                    law operates in all, you only have to apply it to prove it.

                           To have faith in anything outside yourself is an illusion of the mind and
                    can never be a real help. You must first of all learn that you are the Temple
                    of the Living God. In this alone can you feel secure and it reveals to you a
                    power that no outside source can reveal. It is getting this understanding of the

                    power of the Living God, working in the Temple that is not made with hands is
                    the Sceptre of Power.
                           You must realize that according to your consciousness of the Truth

                    so will you mould your invisible world within which in time will produce
                    your environment and conditions in the world outside.
                           I want you to clearly see this Truth, for it is not an idea or a belief but the

                    livingness of Life Itself, with this knowledge you will transform your life.
                           I want to guard you against making this only a mental concept, thereby
                    making Reality relative, a mere image in your mind. For instance if you say

                    God is Life and you think of Life outside yourself then this God of yours is
                    relative, only an idea, a belief. But if you say “I am Life” and feel that
                    unity with all Life then your God will be a Reality to you and not a mere
                    image or idea.

                           “I am the Temple of the Living God,” this is the awakened Consciousness
                    that has became aware of the oneness of all Creation and not until you have
                    this awareness can you have real results. This is an awareness having no

                    limitation expanding into Infinity.
                           If you talk superficially about that which is within as something separate
                    from yourself you will see that it is just an image you have in your mind,
                    something apart from yourself, then it is useless to you and has no power

                    at all.
                           Truth will continue to unfold in your mind, thus your ideas will change,
                    your beliefs will change, your personality will change, your mind will change,

                    your body will change accordingly. Yet this Living Reality is changeless and
                    the more your mind unfolds so will It reveal Itself in your life. “I am the
                    Temple of the Living God.”

                           The revealing of this “Ever-present Life” is a continual unfoldment
                    through which you continually make adjustment according to your awareness
                    of your unity with this mighty Presence. In this lies the seat of all power in


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