P. 135
The great difficulty with the masses today is that they have no true
understanding of things as they really are. They live in the illusion that mind
and matter are two separate things. Consequently they are forever trying to
solve their difficulties through this illusion, while ignorant of the fact that mind
and matter or Spirit Substance and material substance are ingredients of one
single system. We have been philosophising for centuries on the teaching
of the prophets but have failed to grasp the great Truth they taught of the
materializing power of our thoughts.
The mistaken dualism of mind and matter has confused many truth
students and mental scientists. They try to prove that matter does not exist at all
in an effort to dispense with the condition experienced in matter. They fail
to see that these conditions are but the expression of thought, mind and matter,
being the inner and the outer of the same substance. The more they battle with
the condition and try to argue it out of existence the more they support the
phenomena they themselves produce.
Blind argument or denial may give temporary relief through auto-
suggestion, but it can never give true healing. This can only be done by understanding
the fundamental truth that you are consciously or unconsciously acting upon
the substance we call matter.
“I am the Temple of the Living God,” and have been given dominion
over all things. This remains a fundamental truth that can be proved by anyone
who applies the law faithfully with understanding.
Unfortunately this truth has been lost in the mist of meaningless words
and even the learned in our midst are confused by the immense amount of
ritual and formalities which they practise religiously, without having any idea of
what they are really doing so they go on mystifying the people and confusing
We find them praying to their God to aid them against their enemies,
little realizing that their enemies are also praying to their God to aid them
Now what God are they praying to? Certainly not a God of Reality,
so it must be a God they have created for themselves. For there is but “One”
God and He is Eternal and Ever-present in every soul. So they are worshipping
something they do not know.
“I am the Temple of the Living God,” a Temple that is not made with
hands, but by God Himself. This is the Temple in which you must worship the