P. 139
understanding of oneself, and to understand ourselves we must realize the Source of
our Being, not born of flesh or of the will of man but of the Spirit of God.
We must not only search the outer but also the inner. For he who lives in
Truth is not afraid to proclaim the Truth. He knows he is Spirit and lives in God
while living in the flesh. He is able to discern his thoughts and actions so that he
can correct the errors when he sees them.
He knows that his life is continuous in and out of the body of flesh, for
he realizes that he lives in God and God lives in him. This makes him strong
and full of optimism and he looks to the bright side of things.
In the dark corners he makes the sun shine and walks through life with a
smile singing the song of joy. Everyone is pleased to see him because he brings
that breath of fresh air which is so much needed in the life of everyone.
He inspires faith because he knows he lives in Absolute Faith and is
eternally safe, and he knows also that Absolute Faith lives in him. He carries the
message of help and courage for he loves all Life knowing that Life alone lives
and he is one with It.
He is not afraid of sickness and death, he knows these impostors for
what they are and is able to deal with both in a way that gives courage and
faith to others.
He gives help where it is needed. He is not inquisitive nor does he speak
scandal because he knows as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.
He helps others to help themselves for he is free from worry and fear,
and shows the way to others so that their loads can also be made light.
He forgives readily for he knows that forgiveness is the first fruits of
the elect. He is always tolerant, knowing the weakness of the flesh.
He is devoid of hate, envy and malice because he knows that to indulge
in them breeds their kind. He knows that to be with the Lord he must act
as the Lord, for he knows the Law, as a man soweth so shall he reap.
He radiates love to all for he knows that in essence he himself is love. It
is the Father Who ever remaineth within him is performing His own deeds.
He has seen the Christ, the Son of Love, with the power of the Omnipotent
healing balm.
He minds his own business for he knows that mortal error is prevalent
everywhere and he does not add to it, but dissolves it away by that inner
understanding, that error has no power of its own. Yet when asked to intervene
his wisdom is as great as Solomon’s.