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                           He knows he is one with all Life and loves Life because he knows it
                    to be the same as the Life within himself. He believes in the All Good for
                    he knows that nothing else is real.

                           His outlook is coloured by the inner vision of the Christ of God, the
                    only true son that dwells in the heart of every man, woman and child, for
                    he knows that in every child that is born there is born the Spirit of God.
                           In all situations he seeks Divine Justice and is guided, for in that moment

                    he knows what to do and what to say. He has acquired the knack of listening to
                    God speaking for him.
                           He is simple, loving, kind, for he follows in the footprints of the Master.

                    He is the promise of a better world, a world where peace and goodwill will
                    reign in all hearts, for this is the plan of the Almighty. He has decreed it and
                    it shall come to pass. “I saw the new Heaven and the new earth for the former

                    heaven and earth had passed away.
                           “And I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem descending from God out
                    of Heaven, all ready like a bride arrayed for her husband and I heard a loud

                    voice out of the throne, crying, ‘Lo, God’s dwelling-place is with men. With
                    men will He dwell, they shall be His people and God will Himself be with
                    them. He shall wipe every tear from their eyes and death shall be no more. No
                    more wailing, no more crying, no more pain, for the former things have passed

                    away. Then he who was seated on the throne said ‘Lo, I make all things new.”
                    And he said, ‘write this: “these words are trustworthy and genuine.”


                           O Lovely Father-Mother-God, as I awakened I gazed upon Thy face of
                    Wisdom and Love and Thou beckoned me through Thy gates of Light.

                           My pleasure dreams faded into the Omniscient Light enfolding them.
                           All that I could ever seek, for all that I could ever crave for Thou hast
                    given to me, O Cosmic Mother of Love, to gaze upon Thy face forever.

                             MY PEACE AND MY LOVE REMAIN WITH YOU.

                                                                                    Yours sincerely,
                                                                      M. MacDONALD-BAYNE

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