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some may be further down the ladder of unfoldment than others, but he also
realizes that the last may be first and the first may be last.
He is welcome in all homes for he brings that atmosphere that disperses
gloom. Children cling to his coat and climb on to his knees. They feel the presence
of Love that cannot harm for such as these make up the Kingdom of Heaven.
He loves all that lives and all that lives responds to his nature. The
sinner and the saint are the same to him, he sees the good in the sinner and
does not look for the weakness in the saint. He knows there is none good
but God.
He knows his own shortcomings and never casts a stone. He has already
taken the plank out of his own eye so he does not look for the splinter in his
brother’s eye. The outcast recognises him as a brother because he knows he will not
be condemned but forgiven and helped back to the place where God sees him.
He makes all understand that God is no respecter of persons and gives
to all without question, to him that asketh in faith so shall he receive.
His spirit speaks to the Spirit in others for the prodigal son is again in the
Father’s house feasting at the Father’s table and no one can keep him out.
The woman who has passed through the furnace of Life trusts him,
for he gives his love and wisdom and points the way to true happiness. He
knows that God never withholds His love from His most disobedient child,
neither does he withhold that Love of God from his brother or sister, but shares
their troubles for he understands; he has experienced the way himself.
He knows all great people in the world have passed the same way and
are mellowed by the experience of Life, and when understanding comes they
do not regret these experiences but rejoice in their uplifting power. “Nearer my
God to Thee even though it be a cross that raises me.” So he neither pities nor
condemns, because he knows that all are conquerors if they will conquer.
He finds joy in his work, he is happy in his doing. No matter in what
capacity he is engaged. He never hurries nor is he rushed, for he knows that
time does not control him, he is attuned to the Eternal.
He has absolute faith in the Absolute Power of which he has become
aware. He praises “His Beloved,” for he is in love with God Who to him is
brother, sister, mother, father, child and sweetheart.
He is full of love, because he loves with all his heart and soul the Loving
Father Whom he can speak to, for he knows He hears. There is no secret between
them, they are as one, always welded together.