P. 140
He pours oil on troubled waters and soothes the mind and frees it from
disturbance so that the ineffable Spirit can reign in the hearts of all. Thus he
creates harmony where inharmony once existed. He establishes Truth where there
was error, and error is no more.
He goes through Life joyously, things that drive others to despair and
misery leave him in a calm and undisturbed state of mind. He has already
realized that he is one with the Power that overcomes all things.
His power comes from within for he knows that the Father of Love,
Wisdom and Power is there. For the Creator of Heaven and earth does not
dwell in temples made by human hands but in the very inner Sanctuary of his
own being. Therefore he realizes that he is the Temple of the Living God. He
makes this the dominant Truth in his mind and is free from all fear and doubt.
He is like the ocean that receives all streams and rivers yet the oceans
mighty calm is unmoved. And all who come in contact with him feel his
power and receive his encouragement.
He attracts Love and friends for the Law of Attraction is always in
operation. Yet he is not dependent upon the love of the individual. Nor is he
dependent upon things, although all these come to him as his right. He knows a
higher law so he becomes the giver of every good gift and the more he gives
the more he gets in return. “Give and it shall be given unto you again, pressed
down and running over.”
He acknowledges the Law and the Law responds, yet he knows that he
is above the Law for he is one with the Creator of Law.
He is at home with all classes of people, the rich and the poor are all
alike to him for he does not seek what they have. He also realizes that “the least
ye do unto one of these so you have done unto Me.”
He feeds the soul for he knows that when the soul is clothed with the riches
of the Spirit, the body and circumstances together will be the out-picturing of that
which the soul perceives.
If the soul perceives true riches so shall it be in the outer. If the soul
perceives limitation and frustration so shall it be in the outer.
He knows the law of cause and effect and is content to leave it at that,
for he knows that the results shall be in accordance with the law.
He is not interested in what other people have, for he knows the source
of supply and can draw what he wants and when he requires it. All people are
one to him for he knows that they are all children of his own Father-God,