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are in the secret place of the Most High. “I am the Alpha and Omega, the
beginning and the end. I will give freely of the Fountain of Living Water to
him who is thirsty.”
As the rain refreshes the earth so does Eternal Love refresh the soul
and body. Love is that unseen Spiritual substance that is alone substantial and
the only Reality that can be expressed in your personal Life now.
Let your Love flow out and bless every brother, every sister, so that all
your divisions will be swept away, to be swallowed up in the ocean of Love,
which is the source of the secret Spring of the Eternal in every human heart.
You must come to the understanding of the Omnipresent Love that fills
all space, knows nothing of past or future, right or wrong, but is eternally present,
the same yesterday, today and forever. When you begin to know this you will
know there is no past or future, right or wrong, for Eternal love is all there
is. You will cease to crave or condemn and the strain will drop from you.
When you gain understanding, you eager souls who feel that you must
accomplish so much in a given time will come to know that “Love” is the
greatest service and rewards the greatest pleasure and rest. You will renew your
energies and unfold wider avenues for further experience with a sense of peace
and quiet that comes from that which does not consider space or time, past
or future, right or wrong as an essential factor, for there is no room in Eternal
Love for any of these things.
To live in Love is to live in eternity, not spasmodically and in limits.
For Love is the eternal present and glorious Now which is a rest and a Joy,
a satisfaction too full to make us look backward or forwards since we
know that Love is Ever-present, Its “active” Presence is sufficient for all
our needs. Think over this carefully so that your Joy may be full. “I am” is
the Ever-present Love.
You can be as much of God as you are prepared to express His Love.
Christ, the Son of God, in the heart of humanity reaches out in all souls to
awaken the Divine Consciousness of Love. The Christ is in you and forever
with you and nothing can assail you from without. The evolution of even one
soul exalts the whole race so that all may be one.
Only the good that we can do has any vitality. In your physical sense you
make good and evil seem of equal power. This is theorising with mortal sense
and is not a truth of the Eternal Reality.
Love is the only Reality and is Ever-present. Realize this Ever-present
Eternity, free from all conditions, for when the heart is full of Love there is no