P. 149
If you tune in with expectancy knowing that the Presence is within you,
you will receive the help and strength of all the thoughts that are being poured
forth of a similar nature.
If you are strong, certain, purposeful, aware of the Presence, you will
automatically help everyone around you. But this certainty, this strength, this
awareness only comes when the Presence of the “Presence” is realized. In this
lies your strength, in this lies your power to help, to heal, and in this lies the
power of healing and in nothing else.
If this realization is missing then what does your thought amount to? If
your thought is filled with doubt, with disease, with limitation, then your thought is
of little value to yourself or another.
If you weaken your thought with your feeling of negativeness it can
only produce its kind. Your thought must be charged with the essence of
the Presence from within, then results are sure because thought reproduces
itself in exact proportion to the realization of the one who is thinking.
We are told that there are two Trees in the Garden of the Soul. One
is the Tree of Life and the other is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
We are told to cling to the Tree of Life for this is our salvation.
The meaning is plain. The Tree of Life has a real existence, Its roots
being Eternal while the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is relative, and
has its roots only in man’s mind. When we see this we know that which is Real
and Eternal and that which is changeable and relative, that which we can
depend upon and that which we cannot depend upon. One is Divine and
the other is human.
Spontaneous action to help is always beautiful but if it is not sustained
with the real quality of the Presence, the aid is not complete.
Time and space to the one that truly lives in the Presence does not
exist, neither is there any fear of death or sickness for the one who is aware
of Eternity in the present. lf you are all the time living in hope and fear, and
not fully concentrated in the present which is Eternal, then your thought is
weakened by your attitude of mind towards sickness and death.
The quality of your thought must be effortless in the knowing that you
and the Presence are one and the same. For the Presence has individualized Itself
and you are this individualization, then the individual becomes the Presence
when this is realized.
But if you are all the time entangled in the idea of whether you are
helping or not helping or whether you are getting results or not getting