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                    being, Love is the foundation of all Divine action, Love is the salvation of
                    the Race. All must succumb to it, and the more we know and feel it, the more
                    like God we become.

                           Love is the only existing power in the Universe, everything responds to
                    it, flowers, animals, humans and angels, all respond to Love’s adoration. Love
                    will remain when all conditions are dissolved away.
                           Ignorance, Evil, the Devil and death have no principle just as error has

                    no principle. Mathematics has a principle but error has none. Therefore we
                    learn that ignorance, sin and death have no principle or power of their own.
                    They have no real existence in the sense that “Love” God has existence. For

                    God is all there is, therefore ignorance, sin and death and all that pertains to
                    it has no existence except in the mind of man, who gives it a power that it does
                    not really possess. “Fear not for I am with you always.”

                           We must worship in Love, if we would attain a consciousness of God.
                    Idols, symbols are the product of the mind and we gain little from this but
                    confusion and separation. Love is the uniting balm that dissolves all separation

                    which is the cause of all strife and misery.
                           “What I see the Father do I do likewise.” This is no longer strange to
                    you now. In this way your thoughts dissolve the ethers of disease and death,
                    and Eternal Life and Love is revealed as the only lasting Reality.

                           “I am the Light of the World, he who follows me will never walk in
                    darkness, he will enjoy the Light of Life.” Then the Pharisees said, “you are
                    testifying to yourself your evidence is not valid.” And the Master replied, “though

                    I do testify to myself my evidence is valid because I know where I have come
                    from and where I am going to . . . . I am not by myself. There is myself and the
                    Father who sent me.”

                           O love, Thou everlasting Flower of Eternity, Thy fragrance wafts through
                    the evil scented gloom of mortal mind, yet Thy fragrance remains pure and un-

                    adulterated, spreading Thy aroma of Thy goodness and forgiveness.
                           With Thy sweet-scented perfume of Thy all-Loving Nature we succumb to
                    Thy beauty and find that in ourselves Thy fullness dwells, O Perfect Love.

                                      PEACE AND LOVE BE WITH YOU.

                                                                                    Yours sincerely,

                                                                      M. MacDONALD-BAYNE

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