P. 136
JULY 1949
Father in Truth and in Reality. If you are caught-up in the error of your fear
and your belief you have not yet realized the Creative Power you have inherited
from your Father in heaven. No matter how much you may argue with
yourself or philosophise, you will fail if you are unaware of your inherited
Creative Power. “As the Father has Life in Himself so He grants the son to
have Life in Himself,” the same Life in the Father is in the son. “Call no
man your Father on earth for one is your Father who is in Heaven” and
“The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.”
Man may for a time please himself but in the end he can only please
God. Thus he finds through experience that the Law relentlessly brings him what
he sows so does he reap, and ignorance of the Law does not make the Law less
effective in producing this experience, ultimately there is no other way but to
please God and we find the answer in the Master’s command to Love God with
all our strength, with all our mind with all our heart and to love our neighbour
as ourselves and in the light of the Truth that God is “One,” manifesting in
every soul, your neighbour is yourself.
Before you can really comprehend the greatness of this Truth revealed
in this letter, you must read and re-read it till you find confirmation of it in your
own heart, then you will find the way opening up to you, “and whatsoever you
ask it shall be done unto you.” You will find that the Father does the work
when you clear the way.
Tennyson says,
“Speak to Him, thou, for He hears
And Spirit with Spirit will meet
Closer is He than breathing and
Nearer than hands and feet.”
“I am the Temple of the Living God.”