P. 133
You will see I hope that God is not an idea, an image but a living
Reality. God is Life and Life is God, but God is more than that. The fact
that you can think proves that God can think, the fact that you can hear proves
that God can hear, the fact that you can see proves that God can see. For
there is nothing existing below that does not exist above.
The visible is but the expression of the invisible, the individual mind
is the expression of the Universal Mind, the Spirit in man is the expression of
the Spirit of God. Therefore you can say, “I am the Temple of the Living God.”
Do not make God relative by trying to define Him. You can only define
something that is relative. An idea, a belief, an image, a sensation, these things
are relative and have no power except the power that you alone give to them.
Then what is Real? This is the great problem that has beset all students of
philosophy throughout the ages.
I know how difficult it is for most to comprehend this great truth, for
the simple reason that it has never been put in this way. Most people become
puppets expressing the ideas of those they follow blindly, they have not yet
learned to think for themselves. Consequently the world is burdened with race
thought, ideologies and creeds that cause separation and stifle true individual
“I am the Temple of the Living God.” Think what this means in
your life. You must free yourselves from the age-long belief in sickness
and limitation which is but a denial of the truth, that you are the Temple of
the Living God.
The world today is ruled by wrong thinking. Are you perpetuating the
error and thereby adding to your own individual suffering? Shakespeare says,
“the fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings.”
It is your thinking that causes your condition and the only way to correct this
error is to understand it. What I am telling you is not a new discovery for the
prophets of old have tried in vain to reveal the secrets of the Heavens so that
man could save himself from his own folly.
These great oracles were the guiding stars to the masses but much of
their knowledge has been submerged in idolatry and is no longer a help to
humanity. It is only when you realize that you are the Temple of the Living
God do you recognise the great opportunities that lie ahead and advance
beyond the average, to become the unusual and the extraordinary. This is your
opportunity now and there is no other time—tomorrow never comes, it is