P. 114

MARCH 1949

                           It is pitiful to see how few people know anything about what they are doing.
                    They toil on with no real direction, and this is one of the main causes of lack of
                    confidence and feeling of inferiority.

                           Academic learning alone has seldom got anyone on to the top rung of
                    the ladder of Life. But general practical knowledge has, even without academics,
                    and many of our greatest men today have not passed matriculation, But they have
                    made themselves acquainted with the facts of Life and their business. It is general

                    practical knowledge and its application, that makes a person a great citizen.
                           Therefore do not bemoan the fact that your education has been neglected,
                    that is but an excuse for an escape from Life. See what knowledge you can acquire

                    with reference to your work, and become the best possible specialist in your
                    own way.
                           If you are past middle age, remember that most successes come after

                    middle age and it is never too late to learn. Remember that Life is triumphant,
                    Life is free and natural. Life is expressing Itself through you now.
                           The important thing is to profit by your experiences and live in the

                    present and not the past or future, and this needs intelligence. Anyone can
                    dream, but action is required to make dreams come true and action is always
                    now, and this means continual direction.
                           Then cultivate the attitude of mind that will make your life a success and

                    a help to others. Never mind what others think about you, you have to account
                    to no one, only to yourself and your Creator. Remember that this law never fails.
                           If people like you, it is because you understand people, and see what

                    you can do for them. Some say that the more you do for people the more they
                    try to do you harm. But no one can do you harm except yourself.
                           I say keep on helping others and you will find that it pays dividends,
                    “for the least you do unto one of those so you do unto Me.”

                           Most of us feel a sense of guilt even over the smallest things. This is
                    always a hindrance to pure action because there is in the mind a sense of
                    inferiority, a fear lest others may find out our private secrets. The cure for this is

                    to remember that God holds nothing against us, not even against His most
                    disobedient child, and when God forgives us our transgressions we know
                    that we are free. All is forgiven and forgotten. There is no room in Divine

                    Mind for anything but Love.
                           The trouble with most of us is that we fail to co-operate with our fellows,
                    but as soon as we do co-operate most of our ailments disappear. We must forget

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