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                    the Sanctuary I am completely healed. I cannot express in words how I feel about
                    this. May God give you long life to continue your grand work.” C.P.T,
                           These are a few of over a thousand letters received these last few days and

                    I thank you sincerely, for your generous response to the Sanctuary Circular.

                                  HOW TO BUILD A TRUE PERSONALITY.

                           Most people are waddling through life trying to be someone else, with
                    the result that they fail to express their true selves.
                           Many are running to psychiatrists for this very reason, the constant strain

                    of trying to be someone else causes a breakdown. When we find out how to be
                    ourselves this struggle ceases. It is this struggle that causes frustration.
                           If there is a continual tension going on, trying to act up to what we think

                    others think about us we also fail to express our true selves. Why should you worry
                    about yourself, others are not worrying about you? People will accept you as you
                    are when you all are natural. Then all strain disappears between yourself and

                           Most people are a little self-conscious and nervous. When you are at ease,
                    others are at ease. You learn to put everyone at ease by first learning how to put
                    yourself at ease.

                           We all have attributes that are distinctive to ourselves, no one else is like
                    anyone of us. We standout alone. But if we try to imitate, we only become a sham
                    of what we really are, many  people fail because of this stupid error.

                           Know yourself to be the only means by which the Creator can manifest
                    through you according to the way He created you and not as another. It is natural for
                    you to act in your own way, and easier to get on with others when you do so.
                           If you have a strained personality you will find that you have acquired it

                    through straining after some pattern foreign to your own true nature. It is a
                    natural gift to be natural, so why spoil it by straining and struggling.
                           Find that Real Self within and by knowing It you will express all that is

                    kind and of use to others. When we serve others we serve ourselves. What we do
                    unto others we do unto ourselves. This is the Law that is mostly misunderstood
                    because of lack of understanding.

                           Confidence is the key to a successful life and this comes when we know
                    ourselves. It is also our duty to know all about our work. Then learn all you can
                    about your work, study the details and make yourself acquainted with the facts,

                    then you will be sure of yourself.

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