P. 174
In my last letter to you we saw the quality in personality that attracts
and this is one of the links in the chain of successful living.
Now we have to understand the law of our thought-action, otherwise
we will be lost in our reaction to people and things and in this way we lose the
power of constructive thought which is our true creative power. To understand
this thoroughly I will refer to my last letter.
I told you the Infinite Self is the only Self there is. There can be no other,
being “Infinite.” Therefore the Infinite Self must create everything within Himself.
Therefore, “we live and move and have our being in Him.” We see then that
the Infinite Self must be in you and me and is the Creative Power we have,
made in His image and likeness.
Science has proved that electricity in its fluidic state is everywhere in the
form of the “ether” of space. We therefore live and move in a sea of energy
which we are continually absorbing and discharging again in the form of
thought or directed energy to be used for any purpose we please.
In a similar way this energy is absorbed from the atmosphere by the
generating station and then discharged in the form of a force we call electricity
which we can also use in any way we please.
When we set in motion a thought, little do we realize that we have set in
motion a current of Life into action, for we are the generators for this force
we call thought.
Now as we have seen that the Universal Self is the only Self, this Self
must be individualized in us. Jesus gives us the key to this when he says,
“know ye not I am in the Father and the Father is in me.”
Thought therefore originates in the Self and is the means of “Self-
expression.” If our thoughts originate in reaction to the external coupled with
the emotions of fear, anxiety, jealousy anger etc., our self-expression becomes
complex and complicated. These feelings surround our thought, and gather
together the particles of energy which often become a solid mass of matter. Matter
being energy modified, the same substance changes its form accordingly.
Through our brain and nervous system we express our feelings and
those habits we form become the pattern we express, and not knowing the
cause in our anxiety we set in motion the vicious circle adding coal to the
fire we ourselves kindle.
* See Notes page 176. 173