P. 175


                           “I and the Father are one” is the most powerful thought in existence
                    when thoroughly understood. The mind is the vehicle of expression and with
                    this inner realization there is a continuous automatic flow of pure thought

                    flowing out towards people and things. Besides this there is an accumulated
                    store of energy stored up in the soul and body which attracts more and more of
                    the same energy from the Universal pool of life.
                           When this state exists, our thoughts are charged with this energy and have

                    the desired effect on people and things. Jesus never forgot his relationship to the
                    Father therefore he was always surcharged with this Universal Life Force. His
                    words, “it is the Father that does the work” reveals this wonderful truth.

                           We also saw in our last letter how one who had “quality” in personality
                    attracted love, friends, success, health etc. Surely then a knowledge of the operation
                    underlying human relationship is of the greatest importance to all.

                           “Thou shalt then have thy delight in the Almighty and shalt lift up thy
                    face unto God.” Job 22: 26. This is the inner confidence that nothing can shake,
                    no matter what the outer may be like. The real Creative Power of the Self lies

                    in the realization of the greater Self. “I can of mine own self do nothing,”
                    John 5: 30.
                           When this truth is known there is no need to be aggressive and possessive.
                    Never argue with ignorance, that is the fool’s paradise, you must stand behind

                    the Law of Cause and Effect and see its action. When you understand the
                    cause you will also understand the effect. Thus you are free from reaction
                    to things and people and quickly understand the cause of the effect of which

                    others are ignorantly afraid.
                           These are pertinent questions and require appropriate answers. Are you
                    morbid and gloomy? Are you a drag upon the other person’s happiness? Are
                    you always asking others to hold you up? Do you say you are misunderstood?

                    Are you full of grievances? Are you a grumbler? Do you always seek flattery
                    and are affected if you do not get it?
                           Unless you know whether or not you are doing these things you can

                    never deal with them properly. One must be honest with oneself and not merely
                    skim the surface. These emotional habit-patterns are deeply-rooted in the mind,
                    brain and nervous system but they can be eliminated by Divine reasoning and

                    proper relaxation of brain and body.
                           It is unwise for you to criticise such a person for he is really sick through
                    ignorance of the law of cause and effect.

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