P. 176
MARCH 1950
Criticism to be of any value should be turned first against the self. Always
apply this rule, it will help you to overcome your own weaknesses. This is
always a safeguard against negative reaction in human relations.
We must not lose that quiet confidence gained through understanding
that “the Father and I are one.” Mentally transfer this feeling of peace and quiet
and you will be showing a greater success to others as well as strengthening
A strong person does not vent his grievances nor does he bluster or
threaten, he leaves that to the weak who wish to be thought strong. When true
understanding comes you have power to overcome all circumstances.
Some admit failure from the beginning, they say, “it cannot be done.”
By themselves they can do nothing, but with God all things are possible. When
this is thoroughly understood your condition becomes the starting point for
positive action, your liabilities become your assets.
You must use this type of thinking with the Spirit of the true Presence. It
offers unlimited possibilities more valuable than any previous experience has led
you to imagine; a new world will open before you giving up its hidden secrets
We can profit by others’ successes and failures but fundamentally we must
train ourselves to use our own mental equipment freed from all outside
This new education can only be acquired by becoming conscious of
our mental equipment and of that which is hindering us from using it effectively
and efficiently. We cannot get this knowledge via conventional education and
with a mind dominated by habit and precedent or biased through conformity
for it is entirely foreign to the habitual type of thinking.
It is this new type of thinking and understanding that is capable of
carrying forward all the results of the past into a scheme of Life which will
establish a new day for all. The world offers glorious opportunities to make a
better and more enlightened world in which to live and with it will come a
new kind of education for the unfolding of a material world to fit the new
knowledge and understanding of our human relations.
There is but one God, one Principle of Being, one mode of action,
one true reason based upon Truth, one in All and All in One.