P. 218

December 1950*

                    My dear friends,

                           Loving greetings to you all! My earnest wish at this season is that
                    you may have peace, love and abundance now, and in the years to come.

                           All over the world at this time millions of people are preparing to meet
                    and rejoice. There is a feeling of goodwill, a desire to give, a desire to make
                    others happy. There is a fever of delight, inspiration and goodwill welling

                    up on the approach of Christmas.
                           The shepherds heard the heavenly host sing, “glory to God in high Heaven
                    and on earth, peace and goodwill to all men.” These shepherds were men of deep

                    understanding and had practised all their lives communion with the Spiritual
                    realms, for their calling had developed gifts that are latent most people.
                           The wise men with their gifts stand before Mary with her child in her

                    arms. Motherhood is lifted to the highest pinnacle of human thought. The
                    Christ is born through woman and the great truth is revealed through woman,
                    that in every child born there the Christ dwells.
                           Those who believe and those who do not believe agree on one thing

                    that on this Christmas night long ago in Bethlehem the vision of goodwill
                    towards all men shone out over the world.
                           Although the world is far from the perfect vision of a world ruled by

                    “Love” where man loves God with all his heart and his neighbour as himself,
                    yet this overflowing Fount of Living Water is offered to mankind as a free
                    gift leading to Eternal Life and liberty now, just as it was on that Christmas
                    night in Bethlehem.

                           This babe, destined to become the leader of all men entered into a world
                    torn with strife, separation, greed and dishonesty and although man has not
                    thrown off these self-imposed shackles that bind him, he can still raise his

                    eyes to see the Star of Bethlehem still shining as gloriously as it did on that
                    first Christmas night. Not only is it still here but is brought nearer to us by the
                    Love and Faith of the Man of Galilee who showed the way. His faith was his

                    realization of his oneness with the Father of Love, and as the Father always
                    did the work, that work was always done in a way that would benefit the
                    individual most.

                    *  See Notes page 221
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