P. 221
The light of the world is essentially individual in character because
the individual must see the light before it can be established in the world,
for the individual is the world. Therefore we must live by example and not
by preaching.
The world today is divided into two armed camps, both are seeking
advantage, antagonism is at its height, any moment a spark could set alight
the powder magazine. We cannot have that lasting peace by threats of atomic
bombs nor can we obtain it by looking down the barrel of a gun or at the point
of a bayonet. Only by the free systematic unselfish co-operative tackling of the
causes of war, strife, and misery can these be eradicated.
It is only when we can love each other and have faith in each other instead
of hating and fearing one another can we hope to banish our self-created misery.
To the younger folk I would say, yours will be the responsibility to make
a real contribution towards a better order of things. Become world citizens
and direct your brain power and efforts towards security and freedom for all
humanity by harvesting the world’s assets for the constructive use and benefit
to serve mankind and not for enslavement. Let your love for one another
dominate all your actions. For love is that strong vigorous manly expression of
the Christ character. Time does not change men, will-power does not change
man, only the Christ Character can do that and this is your opportunity. In the
years ahead the world looks to you for security and happiness.
You must then not waste time trying to patch up your old mistakes
in thought and action but see the Light that shines in the darkness and which
the darkness cannot overcome. Then nothing will stand in your way. True
happiness only comes when this is found in yourselves first and the only
instrument you can use in the process is true Love and Faith.
Action is needed, nothing can be done by just thinking about it. We
must each be fired with that Divine dynamic purpose devoting our energies to
constructive work, individually and collectively, to make our brotherhood
complete. We must first begin with ourselves in our immediate surroundings,
our homes, our associates, our business and in our everyday life. Above all
lot us be practical about it and not merely theoretical or visionary.
Now is the time, there can never be a tomorrow for tomorrow never
comes. Now is the time for constructive work to be done in the individual and
the nation. Only Love for our neighbour and Faith in God and ourselves
can bring that peace and happiness that all are seeking.