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That Vision of Perfection is still with us and becomes nearer to us and clearer to
us as the effect of our own folly is discerned with understanding.
This Divine Wisdom is always with us if we will but use It, “for in Him
we move and have our being.” Made in His image and likeness we have also
been given His free will to choose. Thus we learn through experience, and as
long as we do not allow experience to deprive us of our true birthright we will
know the meaning of his words, “all is possible to him that believeth,” for
the Divine Creative Power is inherent in us all, “what you gaze upon, you
bring forth.”
The Divine Light shineth in the darkness and the darkness cannot over-
come it. This Divine Light of Love and Faith does not leave man alone but
surrounds him even in his darkest hour. It was this that Jesus showed us so
clearly in his last moments on the cross, “O Father forgive them for they do not
know what they do.”
The world has reached the stage in mental and scientific development
where Spiritual understanding must serve the greater purpose. Failing this,
mankind could destroy itself on earth through separation and ill-will. Yet
by unity and goodwill, as demonstrated by the Master, mankind can reach
a pinnacle unheard of in the ages past.
We have reached the stage also where we become our own evolution
and it is up to us all in the world to reach out to the Star of Bethlehem and
make it a reality in our lives by translating the Christ that is born in us into our
everyday life here and now.
Here are some of the Master’s words that I have selected for our
enlightenment. “Let not your hearts be disquieted, you believe, believe in God
and also in me.” “If you knew me, you would know my Father too, You
know Him now and you have seen Him.” “These words I speak to you all
I do not speak of my own accord, it is the Father who remains in me who
is performing His own deeds.” “Believe me I am in the Father and the Father
is in me.” “Truly, truly I tell you he who believes in me will do the very deeds
I do and still greater deeds than these.”
The effects we suffer from today are but the causes of yesterday and
no matter how we treat these effects, it will not cure our troubles. Nor can we
separate ourselves or close our eyes to the conflict that is going on in and around
us, for we are ourselves the cause. What the individual is, so is the world. The
trouble of the world will pass when the individual ceases to add to it.