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concept or something that the mind can grasp. Reality is Life itself, the
foundation of your own being, so the question is not what is Reality but must
be the translation of Reality into your daily living, and this is obtained by
opening up inwardly towards that Life which is Ever-present Love, Wisdom
and Healing. It is not looking at something that is external to the self but to find
yourself in that Being that is Ever-present and also the Presence in every
other being as well as yourself.
To understand, to approach, to realize you must come with affection
not in a sense of possession or competition or to merely demonstrate your
ability to acquire through demonstration.
It is not that one understands more than another, but that Reality must
become that central Living and Loving Attraction towards which all are
In this way you will not lose yourselves in theories, beliefs and
philosophies, but you are all the time translating your understanding into
daily conduct. You are not judged by your philosophy or by your beliefs
but by what you are, by the manner of your treatment of others, the manner of
your friendship, the manner of your speech.
If you are loving and kind to all, and you are antagonistic to none,
then you are translating Reality into action.
In this then you will find that, that Reality being what it is, Infinite in
nature, will express Itself in your life without any effort on your part, the
only effort required is for you to discern that which is false so that you can
dissolve it away for you will note that that which is false is the self-created
prison in which you have lived.
If I merely gave you an idea of Reality and you did not discern that
which was false you would only take the idea into your own prison. It may
help you for a time but you could not truly understand until you had dealt
boldly with that which caused you to be a prisoner.
The Presence is never antagonistic to Itself in any individual. Then
what makes you antagonistic, competitive? It is the way in which you approach
Reality and all your efforts are without result.
When you become aware of Reality there is a sense of perception that
reveals that which is false and with the understanding there is immediately
a doubt, a questioning of what is seen on the surface, this leads to reflection and
discernment of the false. On the other hand if you are not awakened to that