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Divine Nature within, there is an acceptance of what is seen on the surface.
This acceptance causes fear and apprehension not understanding the cause,
and the false is reproduced with greater vigour. Thus it is most important that
you discern that which is false before you can realize that which is true. To
attain to that which is true you must think in that which is true and not think in
the relative which is but a restricted state of consciousness.
Then take your realization out of the relative where it is restricted and
surrounded by beliefs and opinions which are but half truths and transfer it to
the Absolute Reality where it is free and unlimited and approach this Reality with
Love and Affection so that you will externalize this Reality in your daily living,
for it is this Reality, that alone lives—in this way you will be free.
Jesus said “It is the Father who ever remaineth within me who is
performing His own deeds.”
The Blessing of the Angel of Light is upon your work of the Sanctuary
of the Silent Healing Power.
Oh, Beloved One, Thy Love is like a balm that ever increases as we
adore Thee. Thy Presence spreads through all minds in all lands and as we
learn to love Thee first and most above all else Thy Spirit manifests Itself in all
Its Divine qualities through us for the benefit of all. Let Thy Kingdom, which
is within, manifest Itself without, and when we look upon the face of our
brothers and sisters we shall see Thee. No need to plead, no need to struggle for
the comfort and Joy of Thy Divine Nearness and Companionship. We only
have to know that nearness that brings quietness into Life, confidence and
peace in the heart.
It is Thy Presence alone that can transform conditions and lives bringing
harmony and beauty, peace and love.
From the countries which are in the grip of a deadly Spiritual and mental
depression, the aftermath of war, letters indicate that those individuals who are
tuning in to the Sanctuary are already feeling more optimistic and cheerful, which is
making their daily living more hopeful and bearable because they have come
to realize that the Presence is within themselves and aiding them through all
their experiences “.....Yea, unto the end of the world.”