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is promised to all mankind when we listen to that Silent Voice that always
guides aright. For if we ignorantly react to conditions in the outer, which are
but the effects of previous causes, we establish the errors we are ignorantly
unaware of with the result that we defeat our own purpose. Paul again says
that, “things seen are not made of things visible but of things unseen.” But
this again is inadequate when we are not acquainted with the Creative Law
and its operation.
The Forces of Life are responsive to our deepest thoughts whether
they be in fear or in faith, they are turned into form. All depends upon the
attitude of mind you have.
Generous thoughts are filled with strength and vitally while selfish
thoughts contain the germ of dissolution. If we recognise the Presence as
the Source of all things and adjust our consciousness to this Presence then
through our united consciousness in the Presence will flow the supply not
only to fulfil bur own needs but we should seek also to fulfil the needs of
others. Real success, health and happiness will come as we begin to help
It is because the ordinary man has no definite knowledge of this Law
that he becomes a slave to his fears, emotions, and reactions. If he fails as a
businessman he says luck is against him. If he lacks friends, he excuses himself
by saying he is too fine in nature to be appreciated. When he becomes ill he
blames everything and every person but himself. He seeks to console himself
with explanations and excuses which only make, things worse. Our happiness
and misery are of our own making.
If our knowledge is founded upon opinions of other’s we are liable
to build our 1ives upon the shifting sands. We must be able to separate truth from
error through the wisdom that is based upon true facts. We must not spend
our time in mere affirmations of our oneness with God, we must establish
the Divine Presence through our action, we must translate the Divine Nature
into our daily living, by relieving the sick of their error, by adjusting the lives of
those whose lives are barren and wasted into a profitable experience through
the Truth of Being.
So long as we limit the Presence within ourselves to the narrow
boundaries of the conditions in which we are involved we will never know the
real truth of “Being,” we must know ourselves to be united in the Presence,
“The One” and the only “One” out of which and by which all are created