P. 27


                           We read in John 1: 1-3, 14 “In the beginning was the word, and the
                    word was with God and the word was God.” “All things were made by him
                    and without him was not anything made that was made.” “The word was made

                    flesh and dwelt amongst us.”
                           Now this Word is the Divine Nature in us. “The Christ,” that inner realm
                    from which all real things must come forth. Man is made in the image and
                    likeness of God and that image must contain the Divine Essence of God

                    Himself. Therefore we know we have the attributes of the Divine Nature and it
                    is for us to bring these forth from the inner realm, so that this Divine Nature can
                    become our human nature.

                           If we realize, as we must, that nothing happens without definite cause,
                    then we shall be able to formulate our plans in accordance with the exact
                    knowledge. We can control any situation by bringing our true nature into play

                    and when we accomplish we shall know how exactly we did accomplish.
                           Desire is an attractive force and fear is the enemy. Both are active in
                    the mind that is not matured through real knowledge and understanding.

                    When we realize that Love and Service are the two pillars of the temple of
                    real success, health and happiness, we will not give service only when we
                    want something in return as the ignorant person does, but with our new
                    understanding which leads us into pure action, we will serve continually with

                    integrity and justice
                           The person that is not fair in his intention is simply ignorant of the
                    fundamental law of the science of living. He may think he is winning but he is

                    doomed to disappointment. You cannot cheat the Infinite, the Law of
                    Compensation is always in operation and this is what the majority are
                    unaware of. Some try to “corner” the Infinite for their own benefit but this
                    often carries an individual responsibility, more than the individual is able to

                    bear, because of the ignorant misapplication of the Law.
                           If you look into your minds you will see that your prayers have been
                    mostly for your own benefit. Yet your faith was ever strong enough to overcome

                    the fear you had in your mind before and after your prayer, because of the
                    fact that you lived in the outer or material plane and looked away from the
                    Presence within yourself for your aid.

                           Paul says faith is the substance of things hoped for “the evidence of
                    things not seen. But even this is inadequate unless we become aware of the
                    Presence within which alone gives us the right to that perfect happiness which

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