P. 228

                           If we look into our mind-heart and there discern our motives, our

                    thoughts and actions, we will discover that we are seeking power, we are greedy,
                    there is violence in the mind-heart through antagonisms, envy, jealousy,

                    acquisitiveness. The Timeless, the Real is thus ever hidden, covered up by
                    those elements that spring from time, from yesterday, from tomorrow.
                           If we are to bring about the necessary fundamental change in the outer
                    with its wars and tyrannies we must firstly deeply transform ourselves. Some

                    may think that this will take a long time before the world will be reformed, but
                    as long as man is caught up in time there will be no reformation. Right ends
                    never come through wrong means. Only through the Ever-present, the Timeless

                    that is now can we see the Light, that was the Light of mankind that came
                    into the world for man’s salvation.
                           It is ignorance that prevents right thinking and gives emphasis to the
                    things that are secondary, so Life becomes an intolerable burden from which all are

                    seeking an escape. But there is no escape except through understanding.
                           Only when the storm and conflict of time cease can the Timeless be

                    understood. We do not bring It into operation. It becomes active of Itself when
                    the storm abates. The Sea of Galilee was calmed by the Word that was in the
                    beginning so is the mind calmed by the wisdom of the Truth of the Timeless.
                           If we would try then to understand the outer we must come to the inner

                    and when the inner is rightly understood we are led to the Supreme, the Timeless,
                    the Ever-present. This is the realization that brings peace to the world through
                    the soul of man.

                           We can readily see now that the world is in chaos because we have
                    pursued wrong values. We have given prominence to the things that produce
                    conflict and misery.
                           True value is found only in right thinking and there can be no right

                    thinking without self-knowledge, that which will lead us out of the time
                    element into that which is Timeless, Eternal and Ever-present. This is the
                    Reality where alone can be found true Love, Compassion and Freedom.

                    Remember that true Love is compassion, not passion.
                           This is the Living Water that Jesus said was the free Gift of God and
                    any one who would drink It would never thirst anymore. This water would turn
                    into a Spring of Living Water welling up to Eternal Life.

                           To worship God we must know what we are worshipping, not an idol
                    or an image, nor secondary issues but the Eternal which is that Timeless Reality

                    within everyone, and is waiting to come forth when we clear the way.

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