P. 233


                           To merely control our thought-feeling, to merely apply a brake to it,
                    to merely say this is wrong or that is right is a waste of precious time and effort.
                    If we are merely engaged in controlling our thought-feeling there can be

                    no understanding of it.
                           Most of you have found that your mind wanders all over the place, one
                    thought is never finished before another jumps up, no thought-feeling is ever
                    finished. Just to control this wandering, to restrain it, instead of examining it and

                    understanding it only makes you more petty, narrow and thoughtless.
                           The mind has to slow itself down. If you use force you only create
                    more opposition. But as you discern every thought-feeling without restraint,

                    without comparison, without judgment of right or wrong, letting go completely
                    of what the mind is made up of, you will become aware of that which is
                    unchanging, you will become aware of that which is significant, that which is

                    real. Then follow this up with awareness of the self, not as a separate self but as
                    the whole, this will lead to freedom from mental confusion, beliefs, opinions
                    and separation. You will begin to “know,” you will understand yourself.

                           This is being religious in the fundamental sense of the word, not dependent
                    on a particular organised religion for this will make you irreligious which leads
                    to separation through your belief. You will be responsible for separation which
                    is the cause of dissension, economic disasters, wars, starvation and oppression.

                           I urged you before not to label yourselves with names for are you not
                    followers of the “One Life” that is in all, understanding him who showed mercy
                    and compassion to all, who refused to be limited by any nation, church or

                           Labels only bring confusion, labels such as Christian, Jew, Hindu,
                    Buddhist, Mohammedan, American, German, English, Chinese etc. True
                    religion is above nationalities, above creeds, and is the way to the realization of

                    the Supreme, the way to Peace and happiness, and world prosperity and so
                    for the individual.
                           When we all become truly religious in the true sense of the word then

                    only will there be peace in the soul, peace in the world. Then only will we under-
                    stand ourselves and others. Unity can only come through right thinking and in
                    no other way. We will have that inward wisdom and peace and love of the

                    Master himself. “I am the way, I am the Light of the World.” How true these
                    words are to us now.
                           In Mark 7, Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for their tradition. In verse 5,

                    it states, “then the Pharisees and scribes put this question to him, ‘why do your

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