P. 237


                           Before one can grasp what I am speaking to you about you must unburden
                    your minds of all these things, there is no other way. To make the great discovery,
                    you must do this yourselves, I cannot do it for you although I may show you

                    the way.
                           You must not twist what I say to you to suit your beliefs, your fears,
                    your creeds. You cannot distort the Truth to suit your own ends. Truth is so
                    immense It cannot be abased.

                           The Truth is the Self that is in all other selves, and on It all things depend,
                    and from which all transformation arises.
                           That Self is in everyone and you must look to that Self and put everything

                    else aside, then you will find the core of all things.
                           If that Self is perverted, fearful, burdened, anxious, all your creations will
                    bear the stamp of your fears. The care and realization of this Self is more

                    important than anything else, because the Self creates everything else.
                           It creates either beauty or ugliness. It creates either sorrow or everlasting
                    happiness. It is also the creator of illusions thereby creating pain, suffering

                    or rejoicing. If the Self is without true understanding then there is self-expression
                    without meaning.
                           If you are concerned only with things which are but the expression
                    of the Self, if your happiness is dependent upon things, you are bound to have

                    sorrow and conflict and you are lost in chaos.
                           To lead you into a better understanding of the Self I will repeat to you
                    this saying of the Master, “hear, O Israel the Lord thy God is one Lord. You

                    must love the Lord thy God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, with
                    your whole mind and with your whole strength. The second one is, you must
                    love your neighbour as yourself. There are no other commandments greater
                    than these.”

                           Here he tells us how to translate the Truth into our daily living. He also
                    shows that the Truth is above Law because It is the seed of everything and
                    from it all transformation arises.

                           The fulfilling of this commandment brings about perfect poise of the
                    “Self” which is true creation, and that you must care for that “Self” that abides
                    in everyone. This is the great individuality of the “Universal Self.” The same is

                    individualised in you and me. This is the realm which is limitless, boundless.
                    There is no one path, no one guide for It Itself is all guides and all paths.
                           You can only approach It when your eyes are not blinded by tradition,

                    by law, by convention, imposed by society, by religion or by fear.

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