P. 241
April 1951
My dear friends,
As each month goes by new wonderful healings take place and startling
things happen. The many letters received this month from all over the world
reveal even greater success than the month before. Thank you for your love
and co-operation, for only with your love and co-operation can this wonderful
work proceed.
Here are a few extracts from the many letters received this month:
M.K. Transvaal, writes, “my mother is in perfect health today and. I feel
very grateful to you.”
K.E.H. Kumasi, writes, “words are not adequately strong enough to
express how grateful I am to you for the great change wrought in me. It will be
more than interesting to you to learn that your Monthly Letters have done
the job where orthodox medical science has failed. May God bless you.”
R.G.M. Bulawayo, writes, “I have to thank you for your most wonderful
help to me, the rapid recovery of my limb has puzzled the hospital people when
amputation was suggested. I am now so grateful to you for your wonderful help.”
G.W. Zurich, Switzerland, “I do want to thank you from the bottom
of my heart for your kind letter and for the precious Monthly Letters which are
pearls of great price. I sent the January one on to the Statesman at Bern. May
God through your letters open their eyes that they may see. God bless you
and your work in every detail and everyone connected with it.”
F.C.G. London, “it is with the greatest joy that I have to tell you that my
boy has completely recovered from his very serious illness, thanks to you. We
were in despair when told that nothing more could be done. But immediately
I cabled you I felt that God would help us. When your cable came assuring us
of his recovery, from that moment he began to get better and today he is as
strong and healthy as ever he was. God bless you.”
Struggle always results from reaction to conditions, unfulfilled desires
and circumstances that surround the individual who feels the burden. The
individual who is aware of lack, bound by ill-health, full of fears, is always
struggling against the relative world and this is the cause of frustration because
this struggle is filled with negativeness.
* See Notes pages 244 240