P. 244
APRIL 1951
I have repeatedly told you that mental theories are of no fundamental
importance. You only accept those because you want to support your beliefs,
and I am not dealing in beliefs or theories but in the practical and actual working
of the Presence of the Omnipotent Omnipresence.
By applying yourselves in this way you will find that there is a Supreme
Existence which is not a mere theory. Neither is it a static or a featureless
Absolute but a dynamic complete and all-embracing Presence that is ever
expressing Itself, and will do so in you when you remove the barriers that
hinder Its true expression.
This must be realized as now existing and not at some future time or
beyond. The acceptance of this Divine Presence is the foundation of your great
work in the world today, for is it not you who have been called to do this work?
Your development is taking place here and now. I know that some
of you are struggling with your burdens but through your experience you will
find that freedom, for you will discern why you are struggling.
If you look into your minds you will see that you have filled it with the
“non-existence” instead of the “Existence,” with the result that you are creating
more of the non-existing and less of the true “Existence,” thereby creating
greater burdens.
The source of our being is the Eternal and as we come to know our
Father in Heaven we become aware of the great inner Light for there is no
darkness when the inner Light begins to shine. The Christ Consciousness
becomes the outer as well as the inner, knowing that in this, all power and
dominion is given. All that is dark disappears because it has no power of
its own.
By making an image of the Divine you create separation. It is not what
It is, but that It is.
By putting the Divine outside yourself you will be always looking for
the Divine in the distance, Reality is here and now. In this realization your
work will never cease but will expand to a more radiant form of beauty of the
Eternal which becomes your personal effort in pure action.
This glorious Truth is not speculative or imaginary It is actually and
eternally true. “Try me,” says the Eternal, “and I will open the door of heaven
and pour upon you all good things.” “For all that I have is thine.”
Jesus says, “cast the net on the right side of the ship and ye shall
find.” St. John 21: 6.
Then cast your net on the right side and you shall also find.