P. 239


                    When we care for the “Self” which is in all, through understanding, harmony
                    is established in the self.
                           Thought is the one mode of action throughout the Universe. All forms

                    are the result of thought. We must realize day by day that we live, move and
                    have our being in Him the “Universal Self” Who created us in His own image
                    and likeness.
                           We must know that we create by thought from a Source that is unlimited

                    and that only we ourselves create the limitation. The great Self in us all is
                    constantly seeking to make Itself perfect in us and thereby eternal and free.
                           But if you are ignorantly concerned with the outer then you will never

                    understand the Self. If you are constantly taken up with the shadows cast by the
                    Self you will never realize what creates the shadows for this alone can transform
                    all shadows.

                           Once you discern that the shadows are of your own making you will begin
                    to realize that which can retransform them. You will see that this is the only thing that
                    matters. You must seek the heart of all things, then you will not burden yourselves

                    with the effects. It is this that everyone must concern him or herself with.
                           The creator is the thinker, the thought is the invisible nature of the form
                    that manifests.
                           These three are one, therefore all transformation lies in the understanding

                    of the Self. Jesus gave us the key when he said, “the Kingdom of Heaven
                    is within you.” Heaven was the state of harmony, the innermost Spiritual, and
                    the outer world will appear as the inner when we realize the source of our thinking.

                    His words again, “the inner shall become the outer and the outer shall become
                    the inner,” showing that both eternally subsist in the one in perfect unity.
                           The nervous system out-pictures our thoughts. We produce in the body
                    the exact replica of the dominating thought we hold.

                           Therefore we see that the “Self” alone gives power to any idea in the
                    mind that nay arise in reaction to the external. The “Self” alone has the power
                    to transform all things.

                           The outer “self” is but the reflection of the inner “self,” just as the inner
                    “self” is the reflection of the “Universal Self.”
                           If this understanding is lacking, the vicious circle is set in motion and we

                    live in secondary causes not understanding their origin.
                           When we deeply discern what the cause of our condition is within ourselves,
                    and the dissolving action is also within ourselves we are no longer affected

                    by suggestion one way or another.

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