P. 238

MARCH 1951

                           The Universal is impersonal in nature, all abides in the Universal and
                    the Universal abides in all and by this power we all think, “as a man thinketh in
                    his heart so is he.” It is the vehicle for expression as well as the cause of

                    expression. The Universal is behind every created thing, every movement
                    seen and unseen, above and below.
                           The most unsuspected happens because man does not realize that
                    the Universal will create for the individual just as he thinks. It will create a

                    negative condition as well as a positive. Our attitude then must be one of
                    understanding, not fear nor limitation.
                           The next point I want to make clear to you is that the Universal is

                    harmony and when this is really seen by the individual all fear dissolves away.
                    The individual no longer struggles to create harmony when this is understood.
                    Harmony is the foundation of the Universe and is Ever-present.

                           It will be seen that our various mental states, emotions and fears have
                    their effect upon our mind and body and circumstances producing their own
                    peculiar kind of trouble. We are connected through the Self with every other

                    self and the only way to obtain true harmony is to obey the commandment
                    of the Master, “to love God and love your neighbour.”
                           Everyone knows how hate, anger and jealousy cause inharmonious
                    changes in the body through chemicalization and everyone knows that harmony

                    of thought and mind excites the healthy flow of all the secretions in the body
                    and opens the channels so that the Life Force surges through the organism
                    to replenish and renew the whole body.

                           When the recognition of the true meaning of “Life” is in the mind
                    the body responds because the body is also mental substance that responds
                    to vibrations.
                           Your thoughts are in the inner world and the effects are in the outer.

                    The reason for this is that the physical organism is the mechanism especially
                    adapted for the transmission of the inner or mental action into modes of
                    external activity.

                           Whatever activity is created within so it must come to the outer, this is a
                    truth that all have experienced, but few have sense enough to discern it.
                           With further reference to the body which many are so much concerned

                    with, we see that it is traversed by a network of nerves that serve as channels of
                    communication between the Indwelling “Self” and the functions of the external
                    organism. This is the Temple of the Living God that is built without hands.

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