P. 243
“Thy sin is forgiven thee, arise and walk.” This I hope will convey
to your mind the difference between reaction and pure action. Thus we cast off
the burden which separation brings upon us, and we find freedom in our
eternal unity.
On his return the Prodigal Son did not expect forgiveness but that
he could be at least a servant in his Father’s house, and was willing to take
what the Father would offer him.
But the Father saw him a long way off and came to meet him, put his arm
around him and kissed him and not one word of condemnation was uttered.
He became the son that was lost and now found, the son that was dead and
now alive again, the son of God born of the Spirit and not subject unto
flesh and blood.
The greatest antidote to any negation in your mind and body is to
become aware of the Divine Presence always, so that not even for a moment
can you at any time hate instead of love, or cease to look upon everything
with the eye of the all-embracing Truth.
Love and pure reason are never in opposition to each other, the result is
wisdom or pure action always going out from itself, never relying on or reacting
to the external.
To arrive at that perfect balanced and poised Love, without fear or
reaction or struggle, you must go through the attachment of Love before you
can understand Love and through your experience your growth is attained.
To say that you “love” and have never experienced the surge of this
blessed thing, love to you is but an illusion. For if you do not know what
individual love is and recognize its limitation you will never know even a
fraction of what the Love of God is.
When this Love is then turned towards the Eternal then there is the
beginning of freedom and the gate to happiness is opened. The most practical
person in the world is the one who has found true values, that person is poised
ready for action without struggle.
If you live in your own separate centre you will sooner or later find that
the struggle is too great and you then try to find a way of escape. Only by true
discernment of the cause of your struggle will your struggle cease. Then you will
begin to realize the presence of wholeness, the Eternal.
I have told you before that you cannot make an image of the Eternal
for the Eternal is Infinite in nature. But this Eternal can be realized for It Itself is
Love, wisdom and Healing.