P. 249
If you love the created more than the Creator then no matter what you
possess your mind will be negative. But if you love the Creator more than
the created no matter what conditions you are in, your positive attitude will
soon lift you out of these depressing circumstances into the sunlight.
To enter into the Kingdom there must be no narrow conformity. It is
the sense of unity that matters most, then you can give without holding back.
You cannot be happy until you make others happy.
You must be falling in love all the time with everything that lives,
everything that moves or does not move for everything dwells in the Kingdom
and Love is the power behind all Creation. Once you have realized this you
will realize it again and again, once you have tasted this, you will never be
satisfied with the transient things for you will know that which is Eternal and
Ever-present, and is Creator of all.
You must learn to live, not to conform. If you look into your lives you
will see there is a constant struggle to conform to this and that. All your efforts
are merely to adjust your ideas, your feelings, your actions mostly to the dictates
of another.
Your efforts and struggles do not lead you to understanding but make
you critical, insincere and hypocritical to yourselves. You do not know what
you really think, what you really feel.
Most of you are seeking security with the result that your mind is in
opposition to itself, and opposites are born of illusion and one is easily caught
up in the illusion of the opposites.
Then there is the search for Spiritual security and your progress is measured
by the acquisition of virtues, thus virtue becomes a vice.
There are those who are spiritual and those who are not spiritual. You
have division high and low, all this leads only to conflict, so the basis of your
thinking is imitation. Where there is consciousness of distinction there can be
no realization of that which is the living Reality and is the only Creative Power.
You create your own barriers which prevent you from creating in the
present and prevents you from living in the present. You need not fight these
self-created barriers, but become aware of their falseness, then you will see how
your mind has been suffocated all these years, therefore incapable of true
The Simple Truth can only come through the ecstasy of Love, and
when you have found It there is no doubt no more loneliness no more