P. 254
JUNE 1951
imagination, for that which you thought was within becomes an image of
your own making, something apart from yourselves which is worthless.
If you examine your minds you will see now that all you had of the
Truth was but an image, the whole thing is very simple yet it is extremely
difficult for those who still cling to the image or idea they think is Truth.
But if you can discern all the images and ideas you hold, then you will
see that they are only ideas, your own, or others whom you imitate, then you
will free yourselves from them and Truth will begin to express Itself without
effort, for Life Itself is free and unconditioned. You will become aware of yourself
as Life, free from all ideas of what It is, or beliefs in which you have wrapped it
up, thereby stifling it. You will realize that you are not separate from Life. Jesus
performed all his miracles by this “awareness.” “I and the Father are one.”
We can further debate the matter relatively by understanding that the
Infinite, being all there is, there can be no other but His Creation. Therefore He
must become what He creates as He cannot create anything outside Himself,
so there is the meaning of the “Word.” “The Word was in the beginning and
that very Word was with God and God was that Word and this same Word was
made flesh. All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything
“This Word was the Light, that Light that shineth in the darkness and the
darkness did not overcome it.” This Light is the freedom of Life to all who can
comprehend it. Therefore if we discern the darkness, that which hinders the
Light, we shall free the Light that is in us, we will then know that we are the
Light—which the darkness cannot overcome.
This Light therefore must be realized as the fundamental Principle inherent
in All. The Light lies patiently waiting recognition, but this recognition is not
possible if we wrap it up in ideas, images and beliefs.
The world is ignorant of true facts so the mind of man is filled with
mental concepts of what he sees or hears but when we examine these concepts
we find that there is no evidence to substantiate the truth of them. Therefore the
majority of people live in a world of illusion which is the cause of their feeble,
inefficient and ineffectual existence.
When true understanding comes there is no uncertainty, but direct
expression of Reality Itself freed from all illusion and limitation. But if you
do not know the difference between the real and the relative you are lost in
your own error.