P. 259


                           Science has proved that which we term “matter” but know very little
                    about, is composed of atoms, and atoms are composed of electrically charged
                    particles which derive their existence from the nucleus of the atom and science

                    now says that this nucleus has a nucleus within itself, pointing to the fact that all
                    must rise from that sea of intelligent energy that fills boundless space, the
                    Absolute expressing Himself in Himself and by Himself. Thus we are made in
                    His image and likeness.

                           I know that it is difficult for some to discern impersonally their own
                    thoughts, but this must be done before harmony can be established and the
                    “I am” must be freed from the illusion of limitation and fear.

                           You should under no circumstances try to banish a thought from your
                    mind nor fear it, but quietly discern it carefully. Do not disturb your thinking but
                    become aware of your thoughts by practice, you will be able to dissolve any

                    idea or thought, and above all you will know what you are thinking about.
                           Your beliefs you will see are but an external creation of your own,
                    or what you have conformed to through the belief of another who is also

                    in prison. You will know that they are not “Truth,” you will readily see that
                    the mind is steeped in illusion. You will become aware of the hindrances
                    by confronting them, by discerning them, by penetrating them, and with your
                    pure thinking you will free yourself from them, and by doing so you will

                    realize that harmony, that poise, that understanding of the Indescribable.
                           One thing is sure, you will cease to have divisions. No longer will you
                    have differing creeds and cults. You will no longer think in accordance with a

                    belief that separates you from others. You will see these falsehoods for what
                    they are, for the Presence cannot be divided against Itself.
                           What you must do is to discern these hindrances, but do not fight them,
                    nor pacifically endure them but become conscious of their falseness. You can

                    become free only by examining them with your mind utterly free from all
                    attachment, free from prejudice, free from beliefs. There can be no comparisons be-
                    cause you cannot compare the Truth with the relative, for this is just further de-

                           If your mind is suffocated with demands for conformity you will be
                    incapable of true understanding.

                           The Presence requires no effort, neither has It to discipline Itself into
                    action, It Itself is pure action. In this then is freedom for the individual who
                    realizes it. “I have seen a vision of Thy Glory.”

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