P. 256

July 1951
                    My dear friends,
                           From twenty-six countries we have received letters this month, this

                    is wonderful when we come to think that it is only a few years ago since the
                    Sanctuary began, yet it has spread all over the world in this short time. And you
                    who are helping to send forth thoughts of healing to all nations can be proud to
                    think that all nations, no matter what nationality, are welcome in the Sanctuary.

                           The following are extracts from letters from some of these countries:
                           “My health is greatly improved, life is much fuller and happier. Long may
                    your very good work continue.” E.H.A. Scotland.

                           “I would like to express my gratitude to you and the Sanctuary for the
                    wonderful help I received after the terrible accident I had been in, my recovery
                    was so rapid, the Doctor was amazed to find me back at work after a week. We

                    are receiving your monthly letters regularly and are sharing them with our
                    friends. May God bless your wonderful work always.” B.L.F. Australia.
                           “You and your Sanctuary are always in my thoughts and I cannot tell

                    you how I look forward to those interesting letters, I always read them to my
                    wife and no matter how often I read them I always seem to find something
                    new, and how my wife enjoys them too. Words cannot express my gratitude to
                    you for what you have done for us both. God bless you and your Sanctuary.”

                    C.S. Czechoslovakia.
                           “Words fail me, and I cannot express my gratitude and deep thankfulness for
                    the love and compassion I have felt so freely given through the Sanctuary to me and

                    countless others. I am sure that the blessings of many must rest upon the work
                    of the Sanctuary. In a world that to us here seems very insecure the Sanctuary
                    brings security and peace and also a better understanding. I and my friends send our
                    love and may God’s blessing rest upon you and your work.” E. T. China.

                                    “I HAVE SEEN A VISION OF THY GLORY”*

                           The fog must be cleared from the mind before the clear vision can be seen.
                    If you seek the psychic alone you get lost in phenomena and images. If you live in
                    your mind alone, you become intellectual and clear vision is impossible.

                           Intellectuals are mostly steeped in idolatry, they can never get away
                    from their own ideas and beliefs. You must recognise the difference between
                    head-learning and soul wisdom and the difference between what the eye sees

                    and the heart knows.

                    *  See Notes on page 259               255
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