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Those who are not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of
man but born of God.”
“No one has ever seen God but the first-born of God who is in the
bosom of his Father, he has declared Him.”
When we consider this we enter into the realm of fact in knowing that
all there is, is Infinite. Therefore all must be of the Infinite and in the Infinite
there is no other Substance, Life Consciousness or Power but that which is
Infinite. Therefore all is Infinite and therefore indestructible.
Not one particle of substance we know of can be destroyed. It may
change its form yet nothing is lost. Some call this change in form “decay”
or “death,” but when we examine this further we see that there can be no
death anywhere, it is but an idea in the mind of man. These ideas then bind
you and help to create sorrow and limitation by your belief in loss so you
become afraid.
When the Law of Change is not understood you create ideas which
you think are true. Don’t you see how you become limited and fearful, thus
you no longer can be free, but have conditioned yourselves in your beliefs.
Modern Science has proved to us that there is only one substance under-
lying all formation whether it be mineral, vegetable, animal or man. Science has
also gone on to show that all solids, fluids and vapours are but a modification
of this one Substance which is invisible and of which Science says no one
knows what it is.
All is acting according to definite laws which are stable and eternal,
showing that there is an Infinite Intelligence underlying everything and we
only know, that it is, not what it is.
Therefore you cannot say that Truth is this or that, yet we can become
aware of It through discerning the relative.
“But anyone who drinks of the water I have given him will never thirst
anymore.” The fact that drinking is symbolical of taking into oneself that it must
flood our whole being, conveying that there is neither a beginning nor an ending
in that which is ever renewing, which is ever pliable, this is Life Itself.
I am not trying to describe the indescribable and you would never under-
stand even if you tried to copy it.
There is no end, so if you try to achieve an end and hold it, then you can
never free yourself.
I have already stated to you if you talk of that which is within, you make
it relative and if you try to imagine what it is you are lost in your own