P. 251
June 1951
My dear friends,
Have you ever stopped to think how you are helping the world with
your thoughts each day, no matter who or what a person is and where he
belongs he receives the blessing of the Sanctuary and this is proved by the
many letters we receive each month.
Here are a few extracts from these letters:
“My friend Mr. S.S. told me of your work and what you had done.
I really did not believe him as it seemed to be beyond the bounds of the possible.
But when I became seriously ill I got my wife to write to you when your reply
came to us that I would recover by the end of the week, I did think it impossible.
When the weekend came I was well. Now I know that these things are possible.
God bless you.” A.D.F. Cape Province.
“I wish to thank you ever so much for what you have done for my little
boy, his nerves are so much better and he sleeps much better too. I am deeply
grateful.” B.S. Sweden.
“Some months ago you placed my mother’s name on the Sanctuary
healing list with the remarkable result that healing was effected immediately
and has continued ever since. May your great work grow and God bless
you.” A.L.T. England.
“I am very glad to let you know that my wife as well as my daughter
are quite free of their conditions. The help you have given is greater than I can
express to you but God knows. I thank you thrice for your work and hope
you will live long to carry on with your work amongst those sufferers and those
who are in need of help.” P.H. Belgian Congo.
“Since I started reading your books and also your Monthly Letters
I have experienced a very big change in my life. I have learnt the secret of love
which Christ revealed to those in need of the light. God bless the Sanctuary
and you ever more.” J.L.L. British Guiana.
“Thank you very, very much for all your help and guidance and for
the comfort and happiness which your Monthly Letter brings to me. They
have been an invaluable aid to me in a very trying time and words cannot
express my deep gratitude.” D.R. England.