P. 252


                           Jesus showed what was Universal in God was individual in man and as

                    soon as we realize this the veil is lifted and the power shines from his instructions.
                           His words, “but anyone who drinks the water I shall give him will never
                    thirst anymore, the water I shall give him will turn into a Spring of Living
                    Water welling up to Eternal Life.” Yet he did not separate himself from mankind but

                    came to reveal man as the expression of the Father and to show himself as the
                    great example reaching the full individual expression.
                           You can never know Truth through an idea of Truth for Truth is not

                    an idea. An idea of Truth is but a standardization of thought which is limitation
                    and prevents the unfolding of the Self in Truth. You must not try to imagine what
                    Truth is. If you say it is one flame in many lamps and so forth these are but

                    words and you are no nearer the Truth.
                           You cannot imagine the inconceivable, so you must free your mind
                    from the ideas of what Truth is, for this only binds you, limits you, crippling

                    your thought and wasting your energy.
                           If your whole structure of thought is based upon an idea of what Truth is
                    you are only imitating and your imitation is emptiness but few see the misery of it.
                           It is only when you are conscious of your own bondages will you become

                    aware of Truth. But then do not try to find out what It is, only know that It
                    is, this will lead to freedom and the realization of the ecstasy of Life.
                           In this way you will become a supreme individual losing all sense of the

                    particular. Then you are like the wind that moves, no one knoweth where
                    it cometh or where it goeth. You are like the water that fits into every jar,
                    you are free to fit any situation. But if your mind is burdened with the past or
                    the future you will only find stagnation and frustration.

                           “The Word was in the beginning and that very Word was with God
                    and God was that Word. Everything came to be by His hand and without
                    Him not even one thing came to be of what was created. The Life was in Him

                    and the Life is the Light of Man, and the same Light shines in the darkness
                    and the darkness does not overcome it. He was the true Light which lighteth
                    every man who came into the world. He was in the world and the world

                    was under his hand yet the world knew him not. He came to his own and
                    his own did not receive him. But those who received him, to them he gave
                    power to become sons of God especially those who believed in His name.

                    *  See Notes page 254
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