P. 257
What most people believe to be true is often entirely false, this is the cause
of much conflict and complex minds. Few can discern the false from the true
for the simple reason that the intellect can never give you the knowing of the
To change your belief from one belief to another does not free you,
but makes you still a prisoner in your illusion.
If I say to you that God is Love, God is healing, God is Life, you
readily accept this yet if your mind is clogged with beliefs you will never
understand the wholeness of Life, the completeness of Life and the true
meaning of what I say is lost.
You will see now what I am trying to show you. If you accept God
is Love, God is healing etc., those are but half truths, because you make this a
belief only in your mind and that is not Truth. It may be “a truth” but it is
not “the Truth” that sets you free. When you become aware of the Self the
mind may be under your control, but even this control is contraction and not
expansion. To be aware of the Self is but a half-truth.
If you no longer limit the “I am” to the narrow boundaries of conditions,
in which you are involved, you will begin to realize Truth. This will lead you to
the true nature of the Self unfettered and free. This must not be an idea of
freedom but a knowing of freedom, realizing the wholeness of Life, the “One”
in which all have the liberty of Life.
The old original sin of “Eve”—the soul, is the belief in evil as having a
substantial originating power and the soul believes, that it is under the control of
this “evil,” having its climax in death.
No destruction of Life can come from the Fountain of Life, therefore
death does not exist in Life but in man’s mind. Thus fear of death has been
played upon to man’s detriment throughout the centuries, and because of man’s
belief in death many are led to believe that they can buy their passport into
Eternal Life, and the more that they can pay the better it will be for them.
Darkness is but the absence of Light. The Truth is the Light that lighteth
everyone who comes into the world.
Ignorance is the absence of wisdom, thus most people mistake the
law of transition for death so you see death is a belief created in the mind
and becomes the illusion, a prison of your own making.
God is “One” the only “One Life,” indivisible in nature, therefore
not one part of Life can be destroyed, in fact not one particle of substance
can be destroyed, it only changes its form through the law of transition.