P. 258

JULY 1951

                           Life, “the Presence” is never in opposition to Itself in any human being,
                    therefore we must recognise the Self in all other selves. If we fail to do this,
                    we lose ourselves in separation which also becomes a prison of our own making.

                    When we feel in anyway separate from others we live in the illusion of death
                    and this means sorrow and conflict.
                           Our transgression is the illusion that there can be any living originating
                    power outside the “I am.” When we see that this is impossible we realize that

                    evil and death have no power over us. Therefore we cease to react to it, hence
                    we are free from it.
                           As long as we limit the “I am” to the narrow boundaries of the relative

                    and conditioned, we do not realize that, personified in ourselves, It must by
                    Its very nature still be unfettered and free as acting with the “One” Creator
                    of the Universe. Beware lest you make Him relative and lose the Reality

                    of your own Being.
                           As long as we limit the “I am” we shall never get out of the fear of death
                    which we impose upon ourselves, and this fear of death makes all our ailments

                    gigantic in proportion to what they really are.
                           Our Creative Power must be God’s Creative Power because there can be no
                    other, the only difference is in the degree of recognition of this Power.
                           The world is praying to a God outside. It asks but receives not because it

                    asks amiss. God is Spirit and we must worship Him in Spirit and Reality and this
                    Reality is within us, not apart from us. Our living proves the “Presence.”
                           To get best results all tension must be taken off the mind. Before we can

                    transform our condition all tension must be taken off mind and body and this can
                    only be done when we truly realize what Jesus meant when he said, “I and the
                    Father are one.” “It is the Father who ever remains within me He doeth the work.”
                           When all strain is taken away, Nature begins to do her own work

                    expressing Her own perfection. One should not become anxious about one’s
                    condition, nor try too hard to get well. Remember, “As a man thinketh in his
                    heart so is he.” For it is not what you want you get but what you think deeply,

                    then realize that Divine Life fills you.
                           The soul is the inner vehicle of the deathless, immortal creative Spirit this is
                    your immortality. It neither knows death nor sickness. With this realization you

                    go from glory to glory in an eternal progression.
                           Every atom in your body has come from its own solution in boundless
                    space and all will return to that solution because it is part of it, not one atom

                    can be destroyed.

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