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                    separate, must be the mode of action of the same power. The building-up
                    power and the disintegrating power and the holding-together power are all
                    of the same origin, as well as the consciousness in man, which is man’s

                    own creative faculty.
                           The question is often asked, why need the individual die? Those who
                    believe in the blind forces of Nature say that this is the Law of Nature, those
                    who believe in Divine Wisdom say that it is the appointment of God. But

                    strange as it seems both answers are wrong.
                           That death is the will of God is emphatically denied in the Bible, in
                    Hebrews we are told that the Devil is the Father of death. Death is the opposite

                    of Life, therefore does not exist. It is the individual ignorant of the principle
                    of Life, that believes in death, so this is the non-existent that exists in the mind.
                           The disintegrating power at work in the form is the evolving process,

                    the direction of the Infinite Cosmic Creation whereby all particles revert back
                    to their own solution to be further evolved in ever-progressing forms. This is
                    the Eternal Law of Progression of the never-ceasing and perpetually expanding

                    individual Life.
                           Both the Bible and our pure reason tells us that there can only be “One”
                    Power in the Universe which must be the building-up and this work is
                    ceaselessly in action, therefore when the mind is not aware of the Truth of

                    the only “One” it assumes the transition of that form to be death, “that which is
                    not,” and this is the “Devil.” So the Devil is the cause of fear and death.
                           In all Nature we see positive and negative in action but these two are of

                    the same source, this is the cause of all manifestation and disintegration, both
                    forces are at work directed by the “One Intelligence.” The individual not
                    realizing this fact, affirms the non-existing to be true and for this reason the
                    Scriptures calls it the Father of lies.

                           The word “Devil” means “false accuser” or “false affirmer.” When
                    the Creative Principle individualized is unaware of wholeness and affirms
                    the non-existent, we see how this can become an impersonal power in the

                    mind of man, still at the same time having no real existence. This is the denial
                    of the Spirit, the Reality, but few see the misery of it. This is the ignorant
                    inverted thought of the “Spirit” that denies its lord.

                           This is the exact opposite to the Son of God in whom all things are
                    “yes and amen,” that is the Spirit of the affirmative and therefore the Spirit
                    of Life. This is he who would destroy the power of death “the Devil” and

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