P. 261

August 1951

                    My dear friends,

                           The work of the Sanctuary is spreading in ever widening circles as
                    more and more people are being brought into contact with it and realising
                    that healing is there for the asking, which is proved to you by the following

                    extracts from just a few of the letters that come pouring in every day in ever
                    increasing numbers:
                           “I am writing this to express my complete satisfaction and appreciation

                    of the wonderful cure which I have had through the Sanctuary. The chest complaint
                    which I laid before you some months ago has now completely disappeared.
                    I work for long hours now without the former weariness. God bless you and

                    your work for humanity.” S.G. Gold Coast.
                           “My son was desperately ill a while ago and the Sanctuary was imme-
                    diately called upon. My boy is now completely cured and more than grateful to

                    you and the Sanctuary.” L.J.  New Zealand.
                           “It is a great joy to be able to send you very good news regarding my
                    cousin. She had been ill for a long time and the doctors intended to operate
                    on her. From the time that her name was placed in the Register of the Sanctuary

                    she started improving so that the doctor gave up his plan to operate. She gained
                    weight, and was dismissed from the hospital with the assurance that she would
                    get completely well without an operation. It is impossible for me to express my

                    gratitude for the good work you are doing every day.” G.S. Denmark.
                           “I am very grateful to report that the Lord has greatly blessed my
                    husband. The operation was a success, only a scar is left and he is quite well.
                    I wish to thank the Almighty God for his answer to all the prayers, and the

                    grace and blessing bestowed upon us.” M.K. Pretoria.
                           “You will be very happy to hear that the little boy whose name I sent in
                    to you for help has improved a great deal. The change began to take place as

                    soon as help was asked and now the nervousness has gone and he sleeps quietly
                    and normally.”  B.L.T. Southern Rhodesia.

                                                  T H E  D E V I L*

                           It is impossible to read the Bible and ignore the part assigned to the


                    *  See Notes on page 264               260
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