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                    deliver all who, through fear of death, were all their lifetime subject to
                    bondage. In Hebrews 2: 14-15 we read thus:
                           (14) “For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and

                    blood he also himself likewise partook of the same and by his death he has
                    destroyed him that hath the power of death, that is the Devil.
                           (15) “And has released them who through fear of death all their lives
                    were subject to slavery (bondage).”

                           We readily see that there can be no Universal Devil in the same sense as
                    there is a Universal God, therefore there can be no individual devils, only
                    ignorant “Spirits,” for we are all of the same Spirit and no harm can come

                    nigh to one who realizes this Truth.
                           There are many more aspects of which I can speak to you, on the
                    subject but I want to bring home to you the importance of the removal of this

                    limitation which is self-imposed.
                           This must be done and can only be done by the removal of the barriers
                    imposed upon the Self by the self. There must be a constant breaking down of

                    all limitation made by the Devil and death till the Self arrives at the point where
                    there are no more barriers between it and the Eternal the “Self” made immortal
                    deathless, imperishable, everlasting, indestructible and all-abiding through
                    understanding. The Self is perfected because of its immortality.

                           Wherever there is limitation, ignorance of this Truth, there is sorrow and
                    man is always seeking a “way,” this only leads to struggle and exploitation. It is
                    only when you recognize your struggle you will recognize your exploiters.

                           You are seeking that freedom of that “existence” that cannot be touched
                    by the non-existent, this can only be done when you recognize the “non-existent”
                    for what it is, the Satan that blinds you to that which is Real and Eternal, this is
                    the immortality of the individual.

                           It is the “I”-ness in the Self which causes all these barriers which separate,
                    which create false realities. This “I” must be made immortal, imperishable,
                    made pure through “Wholeness.”

                           Life fulfils Itself in freedom which is eternity. This is the ocean into which all
                    must enter knowing that the true beginning of the Self-discipline is understanding.
                           Then you will know the difference between that which does exist and

                    that which does not exist.
                           The Devil is dethroned never again to rise up in your mind to confuse you.
                    “Get thee behind me, Satan.” The head of the “Serpent” the deceiving element

                    is forever crushed never to rise up again.

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