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                    relationship to Him. In other words, that Nature obeys us in proportion that
                    we first realize Her and obey Her so shall She give to us all Her goods and
                    serve us completely.

                           The Lord becomes our humble Servant immediately we obey Him.
                    This can be clearly seen in all walks of Life, because the Life Principle is not
                    something separate from ourselves but is the supporter of our individuality.
                    The more we understand and obey the fundamental law of “Love thy neighbour

                    as thyself,” the more fully shall we be able to make specific application upon it.
                           “If I wash thee not thou hast no part with me.” These were the words of
                    the Master. He spoke as the conscious mouthpiece of the Divine Spirit Itself

                    and when seen in this light the meaning becomes clear. We are cleansed
                    by the Spirit as we find ourselves one with the “One” in all.
                           Energy and matter are inseparable just as man and God are inseparable.

                    When the most advanced Science becomes the starting point for our religious
                    philosophy the world will come to understand that Spirit is the one and ultimate
                    Substance underlying all things.

                           Truth is the search for First Cause and when we find Truth we find
                    the Cause behind all things, thus we will have dominion over all things.
                           Our consciousness is the out-picturing of the Divine Consciousness.
                    By this consciousness we think, but the majority are not aware of it and often

                    man is unaware of the fact that he is thinking.
                           The asylums are full of people who have failed to discern their own
                    thinking and have allowed their thoughts to control them.

                           We can dissolve all conditions in our minds and bodies by the power of
                    the Spirit. Through Divine chemicalization all adverse conditions are dissolved
                    away. This is the Truth that sets us free.
                           Truth casts out fear and all that is contrary to our true nature. If we

                    will take time to discern our fears we will see that it is this self-created force
                    generated by our ignorance that paralyzes our nerves, reduces the circulation of
                    the Life’s blood, affecting the entire mind and body.

                           Ignorance in man is his ignorance of the Truth. When Truth is realized,
                    people act naturally, this shows that ignorance has no principle in itself therefore
                    we learn that it has no power of its own, only Truth has power.

                           In Proverbs 24: 3-5, 13-14: What builds a house is skill, it is erected by
                    intelligence; and knowledge furnishes the rooms with all that is rare and
                    pleasant. Wise men are better than warriors, brain is better than brawn; . . . .

                    My son, eat honey—it is good, and honeycombs are sweet: so wisdom tastes.”

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