P. 272
Some people are always harping about the “if” had been this or that,
things would be better now. It is this “if” of the past that is preventing the
present from being what it should be in your life.
Experience is essential to your freedom, through experience you begin to
realize what lies behind the individual. Without experience you would be dormant,
asleep in your limitation, yet experience without discernment and continual adjust-
ment in the present is but a repetition of error, and this means frustration. But through
continual adjustment, through experience and understanding there is freedom.
Many people rebel against their past experiences, they fight, they struggle
and become emotionally upset. This is the way to frustrate the true Self in the
present, preventing Reality from coming forth in the individual.
All your experiences are merged into the present when you live in the
present “now” and all the force of your true nature is present only when you
live in the present. For if you live in the past or the future you live in the
illusion of separation and this means struggle and disappointment.
It is the Infinite Life that is ever present in the individual, and when you
become aware of this, all tension, all fear, all sense of wrongs and rights,
all hate, jealousies, all things that frustrate the individual in the present is
dissolved away, this is truly freedom.
The Infinite Life is expressing Itself in the individual in the present always,
this is the secret that many people have tried to find, but failed because of
conformity to some idea, to some pattern or some system.
If you try to conform to some pattern you are in limitation; and if your
pattern is not unfolding then there is worry, and worry makes your work in
the present a failure. How many people in the world have tried to fit their lives
into a pattern built up in their own minds. To follow a pattern is to be limited.
The Infinite Mind is complete, there is no limitation, no pattern to fill, it
is complete and perfect. In reality the Infinite Mind is expressing Itself, It
has created the finite for the purpose.
There is really no finite, for it is the Infinite that is existing in the individual
and it is the wearing down of that individual existence in the consciousness
through discernment and understanding lies the purpose of the individual
existence. The small “I” loses itself in the great “I am” of Life where there
is no separation, no division, no distinction.
This at present in your personal state seems to be afar off but in reality it
is an actual fact now, that is why the present is so important, not the past or
the future.